Protecting Life from Conception to Natural Death
LIFE CHAIN - October 6, 2024
What is the "Life Chain"?
Life Chain is a national event held the first Sunday of October every year. Right to Life groups, churches and individuals gather for one hour of silence and individual prayer for the unborn and the changing of our society to protect all life. Posters are given to each participant, which include prayers on the back, to hold while standing in line along a busy street. Mecosta/Osceola RTL line starts at State and Cedar Streets. Start time is 1:30 PM, rain or shine.
How can I get involved?
Join us!
October 6, 1:30 - 2:30, corner of State and Cedar - rain or shine.
Go to Volunteer and let us know you want to be involved. We'll keep you updated.
Let your organization, church, pro-life friends and relatives know of the event and urge them to participate
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